I was excited when I saw on the internet that the
nomination of Harriet Myers as a Supreme Court Justice
has been dropped by the nominee herself.
To think that even her fellow conservatives were trying
to keep her from attaining the rank of a Justice of the
Supreme Court is both hilarious and an obviously oppositional
Here is what some other politcians had to say about her:
"I've also urged the White House, here's a time to unite
not divide." - Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., the ranking
member on the Senate Judiciary Committee.
"The radical right wing of the Republican Party killed
the Harriet Miers nomination." - Senate Democratic leader
Harry Reid of Nevada.
"I do not believe that this nomination was withdrawn
simply because of the president's refusal to release
White House documents. That is a fig leaf to cover the
real problem which was a badly mismanaged and rush
nomination." - Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif.
And from another news report on the internet:
A Senate panel may seek testimony from a former Texas
lottery official who claimed Supreme Court nominee
Harriet Miers let a company keep its contract because
one of its lobbyists helped President Bush get into
the National Guard in the 1960s.
Littwin, the lottery's second executive director,
was fired in 1997 after just four months on the job.
He sued GTECH, saying it took "illegal, unethical and
coercive steps" to get him fired because he was asking
too many questions about the company's contract with
the state.
Before Littwin's lawsuit, Barnes, who was lieutenant
governor from 1969 to 1973, said he couldn't recall
helping Bush at the height of the Vietnam War. But he
later testified that he'd recommended Bush for a pilot
position with the Air National Guard at the request of
a Bush family friend.
The issue re-emerged during last year's presidential
race, when Barnes said at an Austin campaign rally for
Democrat John Kerry that he regretted helping Bush and
other wealthy young men avoid service overseas.
"I'm not surprised and it shows the maturity of the
party. They wanted a clear nominee." - Sen. Sam
Brownback, R-Kan., one of the most vocal conservative
critics of Miers in the Senate.
"The trouble is, the more we learned about Harriet
Miers .... the more it was clear that this was not
the right job for her." - Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.
"In a month, who will remember the name Harriet Miers?"
- Sen. Trent Lott, R-Miss.
"Politics must not undermine the principles and
standards we apply to every judicial nomination."
- Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah.
"When his party turned on him, he was in trouble
and she was in trouble." - Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill.
"It's a telling statement about the instability
and ideological confusion facing the White House
and the Republican Party." - Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass.
"There was also an undercurrent from the liberals in
the Senate which suggested that anyone who attends
church regularly is biased and should be excluded
from public service." - Rev. Louis P. Sheldon,
chairman of the conservative Traditional Values Coalition.
She obviously didn't have even close to enough credentials
or experience for the job position and probably would have
overturned the Roe v. Wade decision of January 22, 1973.
As the hostess of The Weakest Link would say (in her
British accent), "You are the weakest link, goodbye!"
Or as Donald Trump might say from The Apprentice,
"You're Fired!"